Dl audio hijack pro
Dl audio hijack pro

dl audio hijack pro

Polygamer is an independent publication that is not affiliated with, Less Than or Equal, Juiced.GS, Open Apple, the Retro Computing Roundtable, the Polygamerous podcast, my employers, or any other organization. Any potential conflicts of interest will be cited in the associated blog post and/or podcast. Ken Gagne is active on Kickstarter and Patreon his profiles and the projects and artists I've backed are public. Awrey, Michele DeFilippo, and Lon Seidman for their support. My thanks to Andy Molloy, Lorien Green, Aleen Simms, Nicole Tompkins-Hughes, T.J.


The website's content is created and maintained using such software as BBEdit, MarsEdit, GraphicConverter, Transmit, and Chrome. Racich further adapted the logo by whiteseobox into the MP3's album artwork. This site was designed by Moira Racich based on the Blox theme.


Interviews are recorded with a Logitech USB H530 headset, Skype, and Audio Hijack Pro edited with Audacity, Levelator, and iTunes published with WordPress and Blubrry and hosted with DreamHost. If you have any need to record an audio track on your Mac from the web, from your microphone, from some streaming source, from a connected musical instrument Audio Hijack is the perfect program for getting the best recording with the least amount of effort. He is also currently the host of IndieSider and publisher of The Pubcast, and a recurring guest of the Retro Computing Roundtable. Ken brings years of podcasting experience to Polygamer, having been the producer of the Computerworld Editor's Note, founder and host of MS Challenge Talk, and founder and co-host of Open Apple. He has spoken at conferences in Boston, Denver, and Kansas City on such subjects as podcasting, retrocomputing, crowdfunding, and WordPress. He has been a member of the press since 1997 as a reporter, editor, and freelancer, having been published in such outlets as Computerworld, PCWorld, ITworld, and TechHive. He was the community manager (sysop) of the Video Gaming Central Forum on CompuServe (1994–2004) and of the Gamebits forum on Syndicomm Online (2001–2006). Ken has been a gamer since the Atari 2600 and Apple II. Over the course of these interviews, he hopes to diminish his ignorance of other people's experiences and gain a better understanding of what it means to be a gamer in the 21st century.

dl audio hijack pro

Ken Gagne is Polygamer's straight, white, cisgendered, male host. That panel was in turn inspired by Anita Sarkeesian's Kickstarter for Tropes vs.

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This podcast was inspired by a PAX East 2014 panel, "Sex, Sexy & Sexism: Fixing Gender Inequality in Gaming", featuring Ken Gagne, Susan Arendt, Brianna Wu, Tifa Robles, and Duane de Four. By speaking with traditionally marginalized voices, Polygamer provides a platform to discuss problems and seek perspective on matters of sexism, racism, ableism, ageism, and more, within our industry, our community, and our games. Polygamer is an audio podcast that encourages and celebrates equality and diversity in gaming by interviewing voices pushing for change.

Dl audio hijack pro